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via bacovia


De ce Via Bacovia?

Pentru că aici vei găsi informații despre cum poți să te delectezi în timpul liber în cele mai frumoase și mai atractive locuri din Bacău și din împrejurimile sale.

Dar nu numai atât, am pregătit și pregătim pentru tine o serie de trasee gândite pentru variate tipuri de activități: alergare, MTB, plimbări în natură și altele.





Este pentru tine






Indiferent de anotimp pe traseele Via Bacovia vei găsi întodeauna un loc potrivit pentru tine, pentru familia ta, pentru tine și prietenii tăi.












Ce găsești aici?

Ne străduim să îți oferim toate informațiile de care ai nevoie pentru a petrece timpul tău prin locuri frumoase și interesante. Vei găsi locuri pe care vei dori să le vizitezi și să le revezi, trasee pentru mai multe categorii de activități sportive dar și recreative.





Obiective și locuri interesante și frumoase care îți oferă priveliști de excepție și unde te vei putea relaxa.



Trasee outdoor sau urbane atîât pentru activități sportive cât și pentru drumeții sau relaxare.


ArticoleArticole și știri

Vei citi aici despre cum să ne orientăm pe traseele Via Bacovia, despre locuri, povești și legende locale.


Și nu doar atât….

Pentru iubitorii de natură și de mișcare am organizat și vom organiza diferite evenimente cu specific pentru fiecare categorie de iubitori de natură și mișcare, pentru iubitorii de fotografie. Urmăriți site-ul și pagina de Facebook pentru a nu rata nici un eveniment.




DrumețiiExcursii și drumeții

Drumețiile noastre sunt variate astfel încât să oferim posibilitatea cât mai multor oameni de toate vârstele să cunoască și să se bucure de frumoasele peisaje bacoveniene.


evenimente sportiveEvenimente sportive

Atât de variat și divers este relieful Bacăului încât aici se pot desfășura multe activități sportive: alergare montană, MTB, vâslit și nu numai. Urmărește-ne pentru a practica cu comunitatea sportul tău preferat.


alte activitatiAlte activități

Ture foto, ieșiri pentru picnic sau la cefeaua de dimineață…


Ultimele articole
noiembrie 18, 2024Location: Dealul Pătul, Sat Somusca, Comuna Cleja, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46.400139, 26.898500Google maps: hereAccess:1. Access can be made on foot, from Somusca 2. MTB bike, difficult climb.Description:Cinerites of Nutasca – Ruseni is a geological protected natural area of national interest. It includes sedimentary pyroclastic sedimentary deposits of cemented volcanic ash, andesitic cinerites and large fragments of andesitic andesitic, intercalated in the sediments. Their origin is controversial, and there are speculations and theories that they are the result of extra-Carpathian volcanic manifestations. On the hill of Pătul, on top of these sediments is the place called Stânca la Trei Cruci. The road from the village to here follows the Way of the Holy Cross. The view is beautiful, opening onto the villages to the north and the surrounding hills. [...] Citește mai mult...
octombrie 31, 2024Taking advantage of the good weather and vibrant autumn colours, the last weekend of October was spent in nature, in the beautiful places around Bacău.On Saturday, 26 October, we walked the Magura-Negel-Sohodol trail. A route that climbs up the Negel Valley, crosses some beautiful floodplains and paths through the forest and then returns to Magura via Sohodol, where we have a beautiful view over the city. It was an event organised by the Municipality of Măgura together with Via Bacovia. The last Sunday in October was spent hiking on the Valea Dragă-Buchila-Ciciola trail and then relaxing on the water of Lake Racăciuni, near Tamasidava. So many great places in one day! DCIM\100MEDIA\DJI_0949.JPG DCIM\100MEDIA\DJI_0952.JPG Capela Sfinților Împărați Constantin și Elena Capela Ciciola Traseu Măgura-Negel-Sohodol [...] Citește mai mult...
iulie 25, 2024Location: village Răchitișu, commune Strugari, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46°32’56.1″N 26°46’38.4″E (46.548917, 26.777333)Google maps: hereAccess:1. Access by car2. By bike. Description: St Dumitru’s Church in Răchitișu is situated on the edge of the village, on the hill, in a beautiful landscape on the border between forest, pastures and houses. A place full of peace and tranquillity. It is dedicated to St. Dimitrie, the Fovent of Myrrh. The church was built in 1890 with the help of the parishioners, the builder is unknown. The church is built of thatch, in the shape of a ship, in the authentic, simple Moldavian style. The interior and exterior is plastered and painted, without paintings. It was repaired in 1895, 1924, 1949, 1964, 1964, 1983. Photo/video gallery: Trasee Via Bacovia: Traseu Măgura-Răchitișu-Sohodol [...] Citește mai mult...
iulie 21, 2024Location: village Cârligi, commune Filipești, county BacăuGeographical coordinates: 46°46’01.8″N 26°50’17.0″E (46.767167, 26.838056)Google maps: hereAccess:1. The access can be done by car, going on the DJ159 or on the DC8, you enter on the Strada Conacului on an unpaved road and in about 300metres you reach the manor house2. By train: get off at the Galbeni (Filipești) railway station and from here on foot, on the DC8, walk about 4.5KM. 3. From Bacău or on the way, by public transport by car. Check here availability!Description: The Zarifopol mansion was built in 1850 by the Moldavian nobleman Ștefan Catargiu, who committed suicide in 1866 on 2 September. The mansion is declared a historical monument, with code 04B0061/ (BC-II-m-A-00808). After the death of the first owner, the manor passed into the possession of the Greek Zarifopol family. The manor is quite well preserved, it preserves elements of architectural value: interior staircases, firieres, columns, terraces. For a period of time the building housed the school named after the writer Dinu Zarifopol (1921 – 2002), who was born in this area. The ghost that haunts the building is said to be that of Iorgu Zafiropol, who hanged himself on the morning of 30 November 1930, following his failure to find oil on the estate. After the burial the family built the room in which he hanged himself. The place is also known as the Devil’s House. Today the building is closed, inside there are still traces of the former school. Both inside and outside are in a continuous state of disrepair, the terracotta stoves are knocked down, the windows broken, the doors destroyed. Read more details here: GreetingsFromRoman, [...] Citește mai mult...
mai 5, 2024From Poiana Ciresului In a place full of peace and tranquillity, on the hills between Racăciuni (village Dumbrăveni) and Helegiu (village Deleni) is the hermitage of the Transfiguration, in a place called Poiana Cireșului. The hermitage was founded by the hieromonk Pahomie Pîrjol (1928-2006), whose tomb is located on the hermitage grounds, Initially the church was built of wood and it gave way over time, A few years ago the construction of a new church began, the work was rather difficult due to lack of funds and labour. The monastery’s feast day is on 6 August, the Transfiguration. The access roads, both from Deleni and Dumbraveni, are quite uneven, in wet or rainy weather being practically impassable, at least with low-guard cars. The access from Dumbraveni is particularly picturesque, the road winding through meadows, meadows, forests with tall trees or shady forests. From Deleni we climbed many years ago, we no longer know the state of the road. The place is particularly quiet. Pilgrims can stay overnight but places are limited and it’s best to call ahead to enquire about availability. [...] Citește mai mult...
decembrie 18, 2023Location: Luizi Călugăra commune, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46°31’47.5″N 26°49’48.9″EGoogle maps: hereAccess:1. Access can be made on foot either from Hotel Măgura Verde or from the commune of Luizi Călugăra at the end of the village on Pârăului Street.2. On foot or by bicycle, following the Via Bacovia trails.Description:The Grotto of St. Virgin Mary was consecrated on 15 August 2006 in memory of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. On the way from the church to the grotto there are 14 crosses representing the 14 stations of the Way of the Holy Cross. The Grotto is celebrated on 15 August. Below is a video clip by Gabriel Horvat, [...] Citește mai mult...
octombrie 31, 2023Location: county BacăuGeographical coordinates: 446°22’16.5″N 27°00’13.9″E (46.371317, 27.003901)Google maps:hereAccess:1. Access can be made on foot from the villages around the lake2. By car3. By bicycle Situated only a few kilometres from the city of Bacău, Lake Răcăciuni is currently a category IV nature reserve (birdlife reserve), as a result of Government Decision No 2151 of 30 November 2004. The protected area extends over the administrative territories of several municipalities (Cleja, Gioseni, Horgești, Faraoani, Pâncești and Răcăciuni) and covers an area of about 2000 hectares. The lake was formed following the commissioning of the Răcăciuni hydropower plant in 1984. It has a length of about 13 kilometres and is the third largest lake in terms of water volume in the county, after the lakes of Valea Uzului and Berești, and represents the largest protected lake area in Bacău County. Beyond the figures: the lake has a marvellous view and is a good place to spend leisure time. Also near the lake, passing on the left bank between Râcâtâu and Dieneț, are the ruins of the Dacian fortress of Tamasidava, which is considered the SECOND Dacian fortress in terms of importance and size! [...] Citește mai mult...
august 18, 2022Welcome to the Ciciola Chapel Located under the high Carunta Peak (717 m) on the picturesque Ciciola Hill in Faraoani, Romania, in a small clearing, the Ciciola Chapel is a place of spiritual peace and natural beauty. This chapel is a first or last stop along the famous 7 Chapels Pilgrimage route, offering visitors a unique feeling of harmony between faith, heritage and breathtaking landscapes. A sacred destination Built to inspire and guide pilgrims, the Ciciola Chapel is more than a landmark – it is a place of reflection and renewal. Located approximately 3 kilometers from the picturesque “Vis” plateau, the chapel offers an ideal setting for prayer, peace or moments of personal tranquility amidst the hills and forests. Part of a rich pilgrimage tradition As the sixth stop, or the first, depending on the direction of travel, on the 7 Chapels Pilgrimage Route, the Ciciola Chapel holds a special place in the spiritual journey through Bacău County. Whether you walk the entire route or visit these chapels separately, Ciciola is a highlight that should not be missed. More than a chapel Visitors to the Ciciola Chapel can enjoy: A magnificent natural setting: the clearing where the chapel is located is of a special beauty, being guarded by diverse and ancient trees. An excellent place for rest and recovery: near the chapel there are tables and benches to eat and rest. There is also a small water spring. Atmosphere of peace: a quiet atmosphere ideal for personal reflection, meditation or spiritual connection. A place with history The place was once called “Cele Trei Cruci”. In 1991-1992 the three crosses were removed from their place (probably in an advanced state of deterioration) and this chapel was built. It is said that those suffering from the plague were brought to this place to be separated from the rest of the villagers, so that the disease would not spread. The families of the sick would bring food and leave it at the edge of the forest, from where they would come to get it. Plan your visit Whether you are a pilgrim in search of spiritual growth, a traveler attracted by history and culture, or an adventurer exploring the hidden gems of Romania, the Ciciola Chapel welcomes you. Accessible on well-marked trails and close to local amenities, it is a destination that combines accessibility with profound beauty. Come and discover the spiritual heart of Ciciola Hill. Let the peaceful surroundings and timeless charm of the Ciciola Chapel inspire your journey. Localization and access Localization: Ciciola Chapel lays right under Cărunta Peak (717m altitude), on Ciciola HillCoordinates: 46.452043246249055, 26.83085295339673Google maps: hereAccess: vehicle access is almost impossible. You can get here by foot or with MTB bike, comming from Valea Dragă (Lovely Valley), Faraoani or from Buchila hill, following Pelerinaj 7 Capele route or other routes (see below) Nearby points of interests Chapel of Saints Constantine and Helen Chapel of the Ascension Routes Route south chapels 7 Chapels Pilgrimage Route Traseu 6 Capele Photo/Video Gallery Note:Chapels are places of religious pilgrimage, places for meditation, for finding peace and tranquillity. So please: don’t come here for outdoor parties, leave the place clean, don’t make fires, keep quiet. Avoid transport here by motorised means. Respect to be respected. [...] Citește mai mult...
mai 20, 2022Location: Bacău, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46.575152, 26.925182Google maps:hereAccess:1. Access is on foot, there are several access points3. By bikeDescription:To be completed. [...] Citește mai mult...
aprilie 18, 2022Location: village Buchila, commune Nicolae Balcescu, county BacăuGeographical coordinates: 46.456477, 26.865037Google maps:hereAccess:1. Access can be made on foot, from Buchila or from Valea Seacă3. By bike Maps:1. Via Bacovia – Big Map2. Route – Southern Chapels Description:The Chapel of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen is built on the hill in the locality of Buchila. From here you can reach the Ciciola Chapel (about 4Km) following forest roads. From here you can also reach the chapel “Ascension of Jesus to Heaven”. The chapel was founded in 1888. [...] Citește mai mult...
august 11, 2021Location: Nicolae Bălcescu commune, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46°28’52.5″N 26°51’46.2″EGoogle maps: hereAccess:1. The access can be done by car, on an unpaved road, going up from Valea Seacă. From the bottom of the hill you walk about 500 metres.2. On foot or by bicycle from Valea Seacă, Nicolae Balcescu or other places, following the Via Bacovia routes.Description:The chapel “Jesus’ Ascension to Heaven” is built on Albeni hill between Valea Seacă and Balțata. It is perhaps not by chance that this place, a favourite with paragliding enthusiasts, has this name. The chapel was built in the 19th century, the exact date is unknown. It was built in honour of heroes. [...] Citește mai mult...
august 5, 2021Welcome to the Ghert Chapel, the Heroes’ Chapel “Ascension of the Lord” Perched atop the Osebiti Hill (Gherța or Gherț) in Luizi-Călugăra, Romania, the Ghert Chapel is a landmark of the nation’s history and a place of beauty. Built after World War I to honor those who sacrificed their lives in war and the Romanian War of Independence, this chapel offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and the city of Bacău. An altar of devotion and tranquility: Dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord, the Gherț Chapel attracts visitors with its peaceful atmosphere and beautifully contoured architecture. Its simple, elegant, beautifully rounded design, adorned with religious motifs, creates a sense of spirituality and reverence. A symbol of resilience and patriotism: The Ghert Chapel serves as a moving reminder of Romania’s history and the courage of its people. It is a symbol of resistance, a testament to the enduring spirit of those who fought for their nation’s freedom. Inside, marble slabs bear the names of those from the local area who gave their lives in the two wars mentioned above. Moreover, in the immediate vicinity of the chapel, the ground still holds hidden traces of battles that took place here in World War II. A journey through time and nature: Climbing the hill to reach the chapel is a pilgrimage in itself, offering visitors the chance to commune with nature and appreciate the tranquility of the surroundings. The panoramic views from the chapel’s terrace provide a well-deserved reward for the climb, presenting the picturesque landscape of Bacău and the surrounding region. A hidden gem of Bacău: Although not as well known as some of Romania’s larger churches, the Ghert Chapel holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Its unique blend of history, spirituality and natural beauty makes it an essential destination for anyone looking for a peaceful retreat in a place with a superb panorama – over the rich Siret Valley. From the Ghert Chapel you can access the Grotto of the Virgin Mary, the Măgura Verde Hotel (and Aventura Parc), by walking along a forest road and the Helen Hotel, by descending the path, unfortunately for most of the year the path is clogged and full of thorny bushes. Location and access Location: Luizi-Călugăra commune, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46°32’26.0″N 26°49’43.6″E (46.540563, 26.828782)Google maps: hereAccess:1. The access can be made on foot, from Dealu Mare/Măgura (as a landmark you have the Osebiți Cemetery)2. By bicycle Nearby tourist attractions Grotto of St Virgin Mary Calvar Chapel (Calvaria) Hotel Helen Măgura Aventura Parc Routes 7 Chapels Pilgrimage Route Route 6 Chapels Via Bacovia Trail Cros Via Bacovia Trail Semimaraton Photo/Video Gallery Video: Gabriel Horvat [...] Citește mai mult...
iulie 29, 2021Location: Luizi-Călugăra commune, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46.52666618, 26.837436Google maps:hereAccess:1. Access is on foot from Luizi-CălugăraDescription:The chapel Calvar is built on the hill Calvar (or Calvaria, after the old name) of Luizi Călugăra. From here you have a beautiful view over the town, the village and the valley. You can also admire the sunrise from here.The chapel was built in 1814 with the honour of the Holy Spirit. Video: Gabriel Horvat [...] Citește mai mult...
iulie 22, 2021Location: Sinislău Hill, Luizi Călugăra commune, Bacău countyGeographical coordinates: 46.51867667204952, 26.84153213325184Google maps: hereAccess: 1. The access can be done on foot, from Sărata, from MTB Bar or 2. From Luizi-Călugăra leaving the church towards the hill and at the intersection with the Road between the Vii you enter this road, or3. From the Cattaleya guesthouse, go up the road on the right and then, when you reach the forest, turn left towards Sărata. Depending on the weather, up to a point can be reached by car or by bike.Description:The Suhard Chapel is built on Sinislău hill, one of the highest points near Bacău. From here you have a beautiful view over the city, the village and the valley. You can also admire the sunrise from here.The chapel was built by the Neculai I. Horvat family in 1932, with the feast of St John the Baptist, in June. [...] Citește mai mult...