Bacau tourism
Via Bacovia - Repere bacoviene
Locuri și trasee frumoase din zona Bacăului. Află acum ce activități sportive poți practica, pe ce trasee te poți recrea.
Via Bacovia - Bacăul turistic și activ
Locuri și trasee frumoase din zona Bacăului. Află acum ce activități sportive poți practica, pe ce trasee te poți recrea.
A short guide on how to find your way on the trails using Via Bacovia maps and mobile phone apps.
Document version: 1.1 Author: List of changes: at the end of the document
A number of maps are available on the Via Bacovia website. Some maps are available online, others can be downloaded and used offline.
Most of the online maps are available for orientation on Google Maps, for offline maps we will present two apps: Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation and OsmAnd – Offline Maps and GPS, we will discuss the free versions of both apps.
In order to be able to use apps for guidance, you need to have localisation turned on and the apps must have access to localisation.
The Google Maps application allows you to upload trails to orientate yourself on hikes or various sporting activities: running, MTB, e.t.c. The application works in online mode, but you can also use it for orientation in offline mode, with the note that in offline mode you lose the route (the route loaded on the map simply disappears from time to time). Once you have started the app you need to have an internet connection, make sure you are also logged into the app then we will proceed as per the steps below. (for ease follow the red arrows in the images).
1.1. Open the app and make sure you are logged in/authenticated with your account. Access your account settings by clicking on the icon on the top-right.
1.2 From the options screen go to “Offline maps”
1.3 On the new screen select “SELECT YOUR OWN MAPS”
1.4. On the selection screen, zoom in and frame the area you are about to move to. Then press the “Download” button and wait for the offline map to finish loading. The application can now be used for off-line orientation.
For hiking in nature I recommend downloading the maps in “satellite” mode for a better visualisation of the relief.
From now on we are also ready to use the routes published on Via Bacovia in the section Guide/Trails and maps, from here you can choose any category of route.
Next are the steps for uploading routes to Google Maps, which also requires an internet connection.
1.5.Navigate to the Via Bacovia website( and choose a route page from the menu Guide Trails and Maps. Wait for the route to load on the page. Once the route is loaded, the route map area will appear on the page. In the map area tap the square on the top-right, the Google Maps app will automatically open and automatically load the route as in the next step, If the route opening square does not appear on the phone screen then rotate the phone horizontally.
1.6. Once the route is loaded into the app you can start hiking. The current position on the map is marked with a blue spot with a white outline (normally).
The article will be complemented later with a guide on how to use specialised off-line applications.
List of changes: 1. 09.03.2023: create article - Google Maps presentation 2. 07.08.2024: minor changes and corrections