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Bacau tourism

Hiking tips

Via Bacovia trails – be prepared to walk them safely!

As in any endeavour, the first thing you need to do before getting started is to inform yourself. This is also true for the Via Bacovia trails, whether you are a beginner or not, whether you are walking, running or cycling.

Route categorisation

In terms of the nature of the relief

In terms of relief the Via Bacovia routes are divided into

  1. hilly paths with a high degree of unevenness
  2. hilly paths with little unevenness
  3. almost flat paths
  4. rural
  5. urban
  1. The first category includes trails in the western hills – Budului Valley, Magura-Luizi-Sarata-Faraoani. These trails have a high degree of unevenness, with frequent alternation between ascents and descents, wooded areas and meadow areas, with slopes and ramps with gradients ranging from slight to steep and very steep. The trails in this category are generally more difficult trails and are suitable for hiking and trail running, with a high degree of preparation required for MTB. The soil in these areas is mostly smooth, becoming very slippery in wet weather. In cold periods it can be icy.
  2. Trails in the second category are generally trails that follow forest roads with low and low to medium gradient slopes.This mainly includes trails in the Trebeș-Hemeiuș forest area. These trails lend themselves very well to any type of activity, including activities with the family and children. Most of the trails here are on gently sloping forest tracks, often gravelled and well potholed, without any major problems.
  3. Third category trails are trails that run on almost flat terrain. Most of the trails are sun exposed trails. They are also suitable for all types of activities. The nature of the terrain is generally mixed, clay, gravel, grass, but there are some stretches that do not pose any major problems in terms of walking.
  4. Rural routes are on tarmac or unpaved roads in the area of rural settlements Rural routes may continue on small stretches with hilly and/or forested areas. In terms of travelling they do not involve specific precautions, except for the hilly portions, portions may also have steep areas.
  5. The urban routes (section currently under study) are the routes that take place in the urban area. The urban trails are trails in the city of Bacău, currently two future trails are planned, ZidART North and ZidART South, two trails that will go along the ZidART murals and other interesting places along the way.

In terms of difficulty

From the point of view of difficulty, the trails have a difficulty level ranging from 1 (very easy) to 5 (very difficult), the difficulty level depending on the nature of the terrain, differences in level, obstacles and the length of the trails. The grades of difficulty will also be noted according to the legislation in force on tourist, walking and cycling routes (easy, medium, difficult), this classification taking into account only the distances and the differences in level.

In terms of destination

  1. Trail running. Recommended routes for mountain running.
  2. Hiking. Recommended hiking trails.
  3. Bike MTB. Recommended MTB trails.
  4. Pilgrimage. The themed hiking trails are longer routes.
  5. Themed. There are trails with different themes (chapels, churches, nature, urban objectives, etc).

Some trails may have a mixed specificity, for example a trail run can be themed and/or trail running.

Considerations for walking the walking routes

Equipment and materials needed

  1. Footwear. Walking a footpath is most demanding on your feet. Inadequate footwear can not only lead to fatigue but also exposes you to the risk of accidents. For difficult hilly trails, shoes with rigid or semi-rigid soles designed for slippery terrain are recommended. Footwear with softer soles is recommended for urban routes. In all cases, shoes with better cushioning will give you more comfort and protect your joints.
  2. Clothing. Appropriate, sports-type clothing is recommended for hiking. Particularly for summer hikes when it is very hot and sweaty, technical clothing, synthetic or merino, is recommended, which allows the skin to breathe and dries quickly. A specific rain jacket should be kept in your rucksack for uncertain weather. For cold weather we recommend multi-layered clothing (thermal blouse, technical shirt, jacket, jacket), thin gloves and thicker mittens so that you can adapt to both walking conditions (when you are warming up) and rest periods (when your body is resting and cooling down).For long hikes it is advisable to carry a spare shirt in case the one you are wearing gets very wet, either from sweat or rain.
  3. Backpacking is another important component for a successful hike. For short hikes (2-3 hours) any type of rucksack is suitable, even a school rucksack, but for long hikes it is advisable to have a rucksack that is suitable for both the length of the hike and the weather conditions. A rucksack with front and side pockets for easy access to water, snacks, phone, etc is good, so you don’t have to take the rucksack off the back every time you need something. For very long hikes where we have to carry a lot of things that make luggage cumbersome, it’s a good idea to have a rucksack with straps across the chest and above the hip to protect the spine.
  4. Water can be kept in a plastic container, bucket, flask, thermos. Instead of or in addition to water you can also have tea or sports-specific electrolyte hydration solutions. The use of a thermos flask is a good idea for hiking during very hot or very cold periods. Lack of proper hydration can lead to cramping, depletion of the body’s salt and mineral stores, and fatigue, which can lead to accidents.
  5. Food is also important. Take into account both the difficulty of the route to carry the necessary food and the weather conditions: if it’s freezing temperatures take dry food and put it in your rucksack against your back to keep it as warm as possible, if it’s very hot don’t take perishable or melting food (chocolate for example). In addition to the usual food, at least for long, hard hikes we recommend that you also take extra protein and energy bars, which can be useful in times of exhaustion.
  6. Walking poles are useful for long and difficult trails. The use of poles helps to ease the strain on your legs, distributes blood circulation, eases the strain on your spine and also acts as a support and balance point for the rougher sections of terrain.
  7. Light sources are necessary for hikes in the dark or if the hike starts or may end in the dark. For convenience we recommend using head torches (they allow you to be hands-free) that are moisture-resistant.
  8. Protection and safety A chapter often neglected, unfortunately. Here are a few things you need or should have in your rucksack:
    – a pocket knife, useful for opening tinned food, portioning food. Can also be used as needed to cut bandages, leocoplasts, etc.
    – Survival foil: necessary for long journeys, can be used in case of cold, rain, etc. Also found in the car kit.
    – electric torch: useful if the route passes through areas with aggressive dogs. the buzz of the electric shock discourages and repels dogs.
    – firecrackers are useful for chasing dogs away
    – anti-bear spay: for areas where bears have been or are reported.
    – mini first-aid kit. These kits are also available in specialised outdoor sports shops (Decathlon, for example)
  9. Other:
    – Anti-calca and/or magnesium solutions: necessary for long efforts.
    – Rehydration solutions or salts: to use if you lose a lot of water through sweating. Sweating removes many salts and minerals from the body and we need to replenish immediately. Lack of salts in the body can lead to undesirable effects: cramps or even affect the nervous system leading to confusion or even loss of consciousness.


  1. Make sure you have everything you need in your rucksack before you set off.
  2. Before travelling a route, we inform ourselves about the length of the route, its route, the weather, the dangers that may appear on the route (wild animals, dogs, places with risk of accidents, etc)
  3. We don’t leave rubbish, rubbish on the route. For this we can also take with us rubbish bags in which to deposit the rubbish.
  4. We don’t venture off alone on wild trails if we know we have various medical problems.
  5. We don’t venture out on difficult trails if the weather is forecast to be unfavourable
  6. We make sure we have a charged phone battery, possibly take an external battery.
  7. We do not lean, we do not pull on the posts, we do not damage the markings, the facilities on the route
  8. We only make the place in specially designated and signposted areas
  9. We don’t drink alcohol
  10. If we come across injured people, exhausted from exertion, we give the necessary attention. In extreme cases we notify the emergency service 112.
  11. We don’t leave food scraps or food on the trails on the idea that it’s good for wildlife – we’re just getting wildlife used to making their habitat in the trail area.
  12. If we are travelling on marked trails we will always follow the markings. If we miss the marker we go back to the last marker we saw.


  1. It’s a good idea to let someone close to you know before setting off on the trails, especially if you’re travelling alone
  2. It is good to have the electronic map of the route with you or use the Via Bacovia online maps.
  3. We always take enough water with us, we do not rely on uncontrolled natural water sources
  4. Occasionally make soft noises when travelling through wild areas, this alerts animals that usually shy away from human-travelled paths.
  5. If we are travelling with our pet dog we will have a leash to use at least in situations where we end up in areas with stray dogs or wild animals.
  6. If you want to walk with children, it’s best to go in groups with other children, as this will make the route easier and more fun for them.



  1. This article is subject to change.
  2. This article is not an officially authorised guide
  3. The article is addressed to hikers specifically hiking in the Bacău area and not to mountain hikers or hikers of other categories.

Versiune: 0.1.
Ultima actualizare: 06.08.2024